Founded in 2019, Forxee Group is committed to positively improving the quality of life of people around South Africa to the world. Focusing on education, life skills and leadership initiatives, the entity strives to equip communities with the essential emotional and mental tools for success.
FORXEE GROUP Certificate issued by the Commissioner of Companies & Intellectual
Property Commission registration No.K2021805473
We’ve spent over 4 years investing in research and practice, back testing Multiple trading strategies and studying the 98% traders who keep losing. Here we present the best solution most accurate trading strategy ever with 99.9%-win rate see for yourself.
Our drive to be the best Forex Education trading company in the world is behind everything we do.
Industry expert Mashaya Mthethwa, founded the internationally renowned trader coaching company Forxee Group in 2019.
Over Millions of people from all walks of life all around the world have learnt how to achieve financial freedom through Forex.
Started Forex Trading at 21 years in college, at 26 years registered FORXEE GROUP PTY LTD with 4 years of trading experience, Professional Trader, Motivational Speaker, Business Coach Adviser, Author of To Kill The Poor Soul.
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